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The nucleus

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22h ago

The largest organelle in a human cell is usually the nucleus. It contains the cell's genetic material and is responsible for controlling all cellular activities.

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Q: What is the largest organelle in the cell in a human body?
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What is the largest cell organelle in animal cell?

The largest cell organelle in animal cells is the nucleus. It contains the genetic material (DNA) of the cell and acts as the control center for cellular activities.

What is the Second largest cell in the human body?

The second largest cell in the human body is found in the female reproductive system. It is the female egg cell.

What in the largest organelle in cells?

The largest organelle in a plant cell is called the Central Vacuole. Although this is also found in an animal cell, the organelle is much larger in a plant cell.

What is the largest organelle in a cell?

The largest organelle in your body is the Nucleus. However, this is only in an animal cell, as the large central vacuole present in plant cells is larger than the nucleus and takes up much of the space available in a plant cell.

Is nucleus a part of cell organelle?

I is not a part of a cell organelle because it is the largest organelle responsible for reproduction& metabolic activities of the cell

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For the human body, the female ovum.

In measurement of length what are the largest cells when mature in the human body?

The largest cell in the human body is the ovum cell. The ovum cell is approximately one millimeter in length and is the only cell that can be seen without a microscope.

What is the largest organelle in plant's?

The Largest Organelle in a plant cell is the Vacuole. Animals have one too but it is much smaller than it is in a plant cell.

Largest cell organelle in Plant cell?

The largest organelle in a plant cell is usually the central vacuole. It is a membrane-bound organelle that stores water, nutrients, and waste products. The central vacuole also helps maintain turgor pressure in the cell, providing structural support to the plant.

Is the body an organelle?

No. An organelle is a small structure inside a cell that does a specific function for the cell.