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parasitic worms

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Q: What is the largest organism that enter the body to cause infections?
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What is the largest organism that can enter the body and cause infection?

It does not exist.ANS2:I would imagine that being impaled on the tusks of an elephant would cause a nasty infection. That might not be what you meant but that's what you asked.

How do micro organism that fungal infections enter the body?

A microorganism that can cause fungal infections can enter the body through means such as inhalation and broken skin.

What can enter the bladder through the urethra and cause infection?

It's filtered out by the kidneys and goes through the ureters down to the bladder.

What cells attack germs or substances that enter your body and cause infections?

Your white blood cells have that job.

Can bile enter urinary tract?

Bile can enter the urinary tract. Certain infections, diseases, or organ failures, can cause bile to enter the urinary tract. This can be a very serious illness and medical attention should be sought out immediately.

Where does glucose enter organism?

from the liver

What can folliculitis sometimes lead to?

can cause boils and, in rare instances, serious skin infections. Bacteria from folliculitis can enter the blood stream and travel to other parts of the body.

What do T cells fight?

germs and infections that enter our bodys

What do t-cells fight?

germs and infections that enter our bodys

Is it true that ear infections are common in babys because the tube in their ear is straight instead of angled?

Yes. The eustachian tube that runs between the throat and the ear is shorter and straighter in babies, allowing bacteria from the back of the nose and the throat to more easily enter the ear and cause infections.

What process lets food enter the cells of an organism?


How do microorganisms like fungal infections enter the body?

by swiming