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Personally, I didn't discover any.

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Q: What is the largest star you have discovered so far in the galexy?
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Why cant you make things to go into another galexy?

So far we haven't been able to get anything to another star, a galaxy is a million times farther away.

What is the biggest star found so far?

The largest star discovered so far is the UY Scuti red supergiant. It is approximately 1,708 solar radii, where one solar radii equals the radius of the Sun in our solar system.

What is the largest planet yet discovered?

So far, Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system.

What is the biggest celestial body in volume discovered so far?

That depends on how you define "celestial body". Arguably, the largest "celestial body" thus far discovered (or ever likely to be discovered) is the universe itself. However, let's assume you mean a compact body, i.e. one which is more or less continuous (and thus excludes things like galaxies, globular clusters, and nebulae). The largest star known is VY Canis Majoris, which is roughly the size of the orbit of Saturn. The largest body in the Solar system is, of course, the Sun. Jupiter is second, at about 0.1% the volume of the Sun.

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Thiomargarita namibiensis is the largest microorganisms found so far. It can get up to 0. 75mm and was discovered in 1997, on the seafloor.

Name the largest mountain in your solar system?

The largest mountain so far discovered is Olympus Mons on Mars, at about 76,000 feet tall.

What was the tallest meat eating dinosaur?

No. The largest carnivorous dinosaur discovered so far is the Spinosaurus.

What is the largest dinosaur known to have walked in earth?

Apparently, Argentinosaurus is the largest dinosaur discovered so far. There is always a chance that an even larger dinosaur may be discovered - so updating the current accepted dinosaur facts.

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What is the largest star in solar system?

The Sun is, so far as we can determine, the ONLY star in the solar system. If it's not the only one, it's certainly the largest. (Look up "Nemesis" for some thoughts on why it might not be the only one.)

What is the next to largest moon to ganymede?

there is no moon which is larger than Ganymede in our Solar System. Ganymede is the largest natural satellite (moon) in our Solar System so far to be discovered.

What is the biggest star discovered so far?

The biggest star is VY canis majoris! It is believed that it is 2000 times bigger than the sun!!!!! And trust me its true