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vena cava

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Q: What is the largest vein from the upper and lower body which enters the heart?
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Related questions

How does venous blood get back to the heart?

It enters the heart from the head and upper body via the Superior Vena Cave. The blood from the lower body travels through the Inferior Vena Cave.

Which organ has upper chamber and lower chamber?

The heart has upper and lower chambers.

What is the upper part of the heart?

The heart is divided into four compartments. The two upper portions where blood enters the heart from the body and lungs are the atria. Deoxygenated blood enters the right atrium, and oxygenated blood from the lungs enter the left atrium.

What is considered upper heart valves?

The upper heart valves are called atriums, and the lower heart valves are called ventricles.

Is the venticals the upper or lower part of the heart?

lower part upper part is called Ariom i think

What is the upper chamber of the heart on right side- used blood enters here?

blood used by the body enters the right atrium

What lower chambers of the heart pump blood out of the organ?

The ventricles are the lower chambers of the heart. The atria are the upper chambers.

What is the lower part of the heart?

The heart is divided into four chambers. The two bottom heart chambers are called the ventricles. The upper chambers are the atrials.

What are the lower chambers?

The lower chambers of the heart are the ventricles. In contrast, the upper chambers are the atria.

Which chambers of the heart are the ventricles?

The ventricles are the lower chambers of the heart. The atria are the upper changes.

What separates the upper and lower chamber?

The AV valves separate the upper and lower chambers of the heart. The bicuspid valve is on the left, and the tricuspid on the right.

How do you find the lower and upper quartiles with only 5 values?

The lower quartile is the second smallest and the upper quartile is the fourth smallest (second largest).