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Q: What is the last plague?
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The last Passover plague?

The last plague was when God smote the Egyptian firstborn.

When was the last outbreak of the black death in England?

One of the last outbreaks of the plague in England was the Great Plague of London in 1665-66.

How many people die from plague yearly worldwide?

Approximately 2000 people die from a the plague on a yearly basis worldwide. The last big plague was the bubonic plague.

What did people do to avoid the plague?

During the plague, people tried various methods to avoid getting sick, such as wearing aromatic herbs, avoiding the sick, or moving away from affected areas. Quarantine and isolation were also common practices to prevent the spread of the disease. Additionally, some turned to prayer and religious practices as a form of protection against the plague.

When did the great plague of London break out?

The Great Plague, lasting from 1665 to 1666, was the last major epidemic of the bubonic plague to occur in England.

What kind of bread were the Jews told to eat and the night of the last plague?

There was no specific type of bread that Jews were required to eat the night of the last plague.

What was the last plague to hit the equiptians at passover?

It was the death of the first born. This included Pharaoh but the plague skipped him to teach him a lesson.

What was the last part of Europe to be reached by the plague?

north of england

How long did the plague last in Oran?

1 to 2 yearsretards

The plague of blood how long did it last?

The plague of blood in the Bible lasted for seven days, during which time the water in Egypt turned to blood making it undrinkable. This was the first of the ten plagues brought upon Egypt by Moses.

Who was the angel in the last plague of Egypt?

It wasn't an angel, it was HaShem.

Why was the plague the last plague to hit Britain?

It had to go all the way from the Meditarranean to Britain - it took about 2 years. And Britain wasn't the last - northern countries got it last! Girl, 12, West Bridgford School