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Q: What is the latin meaning of the phylum for a squid?
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What is the latin meaning of the class for a squid?

Squid belong to the class Cephalopoda, which comes for the Greek words for "head" and "foot".

What is the Latin meaning of phylum?

Phylum is a Latin word ---- In biology, a phylum is a taxonomic rank below Kingdom and above Class. "Phylum" is equivalent to the botanical term division

What is the meaning of this phylum name?

Annelidia (Latin), or Annelid (English)

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What is the phylum of a squid?

The phylum of a squid is Mollusca.

Squid are grouped into what phylum?


What phylum and class does the squid belong to?

Phlyum: Molluska (mollusks) Class: Cepholopoda (cepholopods)

Which phylum would squid octopuses and slugs belongs to?

The octopus belongs to the phylum, Mollusca. It shares this phylum with its brethren squid and mollusks. It is a cephalopod, the octopus; therefore, Cephalopoda would be its class. Hope this helps.

Which class does squid belong to?

Squid are in the Class Cephelapoda, Phylum Mollusca, Kingdom Animalia.

Can squids be arthropods?

No - squid belong to the Phylum Mollusca and the Class Cephalopda. They do not belong to the Phylum Arthropoda.

What is the giant squid phylum name?

They're in phylum Mollusca, meaning they are mollusks. After that, they're in the class Cephalopoda, subclass Coloeidea, order Teuthida, suborder Oegopsina, family Architeuthidae, genus Architeuthis. The most well-known species of giant squid is Architeuthis dux.

What is phylum mulusca?

Phylum Mollusca houses such animals as snails, slugs, clams, squid, octopi, and cuttlefish.