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Vincere - to conquer.

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Q: What is the latin word meanin coquer?
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What does journal mean in Roman?

There is no Latin word "journal". But if you mean the Latin word for journal, it is "ephemeris".There is no Latin word "journal". But if you mean the Latin word for journal, it is "ephemeris".There is no Latin word "journal". But if you mean the Latin word for journal, it is "ephemeris".There is no Latin word "journal". But if you mean the Latin word for journal, it is "ephemeris".There is no Latin word "journal". But if you mean the Latin word for journal, it is "ephemeris".There is no Latin word "journal". But if you mean the Latin word for journal, it is "ephemeris".There is no Latin word "journal". But if you mean the Latin word for journal, it is "ephemeris".There is no Latin word "journal". But if you mean the Latin word for journal, it is "ephemeris".There is no Latin word "journal". But if you mean the Latin word for journal, it is "ephemeris".

What is the photosyntheic sinhala meanin?

Sorry we do not know what you mean by "sinhala" or "meanin" these are not English words.