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Q: What is the law in NJ about shutting off the electric when you have children?
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How can stop electric meter?

Anything apart from unplugging/shutting off all the appliances would be considered fraud.

How do I fix problem of My 2005 Town and Country Electric fan not shutting off when engine turned off?

sounds like a bad relay change the fan relay

My electric char broiler keeps shutting off my circuit breaker?

Apparently, the broiler draws more electricity than the circuit provides.

Can you sue electric company when you got children and they shut off your electric?

Of course not. Its not the electric company's fault you cant afford your bill. The only time an electric company can't shut off residential customers is during December/January.

How do you turn off the water to the toilet?

shutting off the valve

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Where is the best place to park your ATV after shutting off the engine

Who to contact about buring electrical lines?

Well if outside the house between the poles call the electric company. If this is occurring in your home, I suggest shutting off the electricity to the wires in question then call an electrician.

What is meant by shutting down a PC?

Turning it off

What is shutting down of a computer?

turning the computer off

Why does furnace make boom noise when shutting off?

It's turning off

What is shutting down?

Shutting down means closing or turning off. For instance, when you turn off your computer, you shut it down. When a circus shuts down it's closing.

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