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Universal Law Of Gravitation States That Every Object In The Universe Attracts Each And Every Other Object With A Force Which Is Directly Proportional To The Masses Of The Body And Inversely Proportional To The Square Of The Distance Between Them.
First, all particles with mass attract each other through gravitic force. Two objects (say, you and the Earth) attract each other by the product of their masses (That is, the bigger they are, the more gravitic force they exert).

Finally, objects with mass attract each inversely ( or opposite) the distance between them. (Move the objects two times farther away from each other, and the gravitic force between them decreases by four times.) Note that 4 is the square of 2. Another example: if you move the objects 3 times farther away from each other, the force between them decreases by 9 times. Note that 9 is the square of 3.

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Gwendolyn Nicolas

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