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Q: What is the least common house pet?
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Related questions

What is the most common pet name?

Max is the most common pet name in the US. Other common names are Tigger, Tiger, Jake, and Buddy.

What is the least common pet for people to have?

A lion A manta ray

How did dogs become are pets?

Because their a common house pet.

What is the location of the common house cat?

Inside a house. Or a pet store, or outside, or in an animal shelter or another building.

What snake is the most common house pet?

Probably the Corn Snake or the Ball Python.

Are dogs the most common house pet?

Yes, but so are cats. Cats and dogs are.

What are the most common pet peeves?

Every person has at least one pet peeve, and pet peeves are different for every person. Some common pet peeves that many people have include talking during a movie, the use of the word "whatever", and smacking gum.

What is the least popular pet in the US?

A dog is the most common household pet in America. The most common breed is the Labrador.

How do you get a house on pet pet park?

you have to get a membership then you can have a house

How do you feed your pet in Fantage?

you have to at least buy food in the pet shop. its in the back of the book with the eggs. then once you have food go back to your house. ( you have to have your pets in your house, as in you cant feed them in your barn). then you click on a pet and a bar shows up. click feed pet and click the food you wanna feed it. then walah.

Why people have cats?

they are a common house hold pet which people like. they like the purring and stroking of the animal.

How do you get into your house in pet pet park?

you click on your house and wait till your in it