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Q: What is the least important consideration for safeguarding business assets?
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Why is it important to separate operating assets from financial assets?

Operating assets contribute to the day to day functions of the business. While financial assets add value to the business, they do not account for profitability of the business. Financial analysis models only use the operating assets to determine future profitability.

What assets can you bring to the job?

When determining what assets a prospective employee can bring to a job, there are two important aspects to keep in mind. Equal consideration must be given to the needs of the job and the qualifications of the employee.

What is sale of fixed assets?

Fixed assets are the assets of business concern. The value of these assets, except land, gets depreciated year by year and the allowance of such depreciation is availed for tax exemption purposes on a regular basis. When such the assets are sold for a consideration, it is called the "sale of fixed assets" and the gain / loss on sale of such assets is assessed based on the written down value as on the date of such transaction.

What is sales of asset?

Fixed assets are the assets of business concern. The value of these assets, except land, gets depreciated year by year and the allowance of such depreciation is availed for tax exemption purposes on a regular basis. When such the assets are sold for a consideration, it is called the "sale of fixed assets" and the gain / loss on sale of such assets is assessed based on the written down value as on the date of such transaction.

What are assets liabilities and equity?

It is the basic accounting equation which shows the relationship of business assets toward liability and equity and it tells that all assets must generate enough money to pay all liabilities and owner's capital to be successful business.

The difference between assets and liabilities is?

assets are what the business owned and liabilities are what the business owe.

The goal of risk management is to enhance mission effectiveness at all levels while preserving assets and safeguarding health and welfare?


Is owners equity equal to the business liabilities less the business assets?

No. Owners Equity is equal to Business Assets less Business Liabilities.

What are the objects of bankruptcy?

protection of honest debtors, and safeguarding the interests of creditors by means of equitable distribution of the assets of an insolvent debtor among cretiors

When account receivabes is collected cash the totl assets of the business increases?

Accounts receivable is also part of assets of business and cash as well so there is no difference on overall assets of business.

Which accounting convention or doctrine is being applied when the owner's home computer is excluded from the assets of the business?

Business entity convention because owner’s assets must not be included with business assets

The properties owned by a business are called?
