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King Charles II was told of a legend that if the ravens ever leave the Tower of London, the White Tower, the monarchy, and the entire kingdom would fall. So Charles decreed that thay should stay.

They are kept by a Ravenmaster and their wings are clipped to make sure that they stay.

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Q: What is the legend of the Tower of London ravens?
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According to the legend what will happen if these birds leave the Tower of London?

The legend states that if the ravens ever leave the Tower of London, the "crown" (i.e. the British Monarchy) and country will fall.

Which birds are protecting the kingdom in the tower?

Ravens. Legend says that if the ravens ever leave the Tower, the country will fall to an enemy. For this reason, the flight feathers of the ravens are kept clipped so that they cannot fly away.

Why are the animals important at the Tower of London?

The ravens are the only animals to officially live at the Tower. Legend says that if the ravens ever leave the Tower, the country will fall to an enemy. To prevent the ravens from leaving, their flight feathers are clipped to stop them from flying.

What bird is found on the tower of London?

The Raven: It is not known when the ravens first came to the Tower of London, but their presence there is surrounded by myth and legend. Unusually for birds of ill omen, the future of both Country and Kingdom relies upon their continued residence, for according to legend, at least six ravens must remain lest both Tower and Monarchy fall.

Why londoners keep black ravens in the tower?

Legend says that if the ravens ever leave the Tower, the country will fall to an enemy, so the flight feathers of one wing are clipped so that they cannot fly. Also, tourists now expect to see them there.

Where in London are you most likily to see ravens?

At the Tower of London

What animal is associated with the tower of London?


What are some residents of Tower of London?

The ravens.

What birds protect the Tower of London?


Why are there so many ravens at the tower of London?

There used to be many Ravens throughout England. There have been at least six in residence at the tower for centuries. It was said that Charles II wanted to remove them following complaints from the Royal Astronomer. But he was then told of the legend that if the Ravens ever leave the Tower of London, the White Tower, the monarchy, and the entire kingdom would fall. Charles was not prepared to take the chance, and instead had the observatory moved to Greenwich. Since then the Ravens have remained. They are now looked after by the Ravenmaster at the Tower and their wings are clipped so they cannot leave. They are now a tourist attraction.

Are there famous animals in the Tower of London?

The famous animals in the Tower are the ravens.

Who are the permanent guests at the Tower of London?

This refers to the Ravens.