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Q: What is the length of a recorder flute?
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Is a flute the same size as a recorder?

no the flute is longer and the recorder is shorter

Why is the wind instrument that looks like a flute called a recorder?

the flute is held sideways the recorder is not

What are the origins of the flute?

the flute was origanly the recorder and it slowly evoved into the flute

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What type of instrument is a Recorder?


What was the flute called when it was first invented?

the first flute was really a recorder and it slowly evolved into a flute

Who invited the recorder?

The flute, unfortunately, that bloody recorder is sucha a buzz killer

What can a flute be compared to?

Well a flute can be compared to a recorder because they are both played by blowing air out of your mouth to produce sound. The difference is just that a flute is blown ACROSS and a recorder is blown INTO.

Are the fingerings on the flute an the recorder different?


What woodwind instrument is related to the flute?

A recorder

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Some differences between a recorder and a flute?

the recorder is prop looking down like a clarinet and the flute is prop in front of you and to the side. the recorder does not come in a lot of sizes, but the flute has tons of different sized instruments like there is the bass flute witch can be bigger than you , and there is a piccolo witch is very small.