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Same as on Jupiter. About 12 Earth years.

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Q: What is the length of a solar year on ganymede Jupiter?
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What is the length of one year compared to the earth in ganymede?

Ganymede is a satellite of Jupiter. Jupiter takes 11.85 years to orbit the sun.

How long is Ganymede's year?

Ganymede's year is the same as Jupiter's, since it is a satellite of that planet. However, it orbit's Jupiter every 7 days, 3 hours, and 42 minutes, and 33.2 seconds.

Are there any plans to go to Jupiter in the near future?

nNASA has plans to launch a mission to Jupiter and three of its moons - Callisto, Ganymede and Europa - in the year 2012

What is the length of one year in Earth time for Jupiter?

In Jupiter, time does not exist:D!

How much does Jupiter travel in a year?

Jupiter travels zero miles in a year. Because it is a retarted planet of the solar system

How long is a day and a year on Ganymede?

Year: Going once around the Sun takes 12 of our years, since Ganymede accompanies Jupiter. Day: It takes 7 of our days to orbit Jupiter once; like many moons, its rotation is synchronous, so that is also how long it takes to rotate once around its axis.

What is the length of the year and day on Jupiter?

the length of a day on Jupiter is unknown and so is the amount of days in a year

What is the length of a year on Jupiter?

Jupiter's orbit is roughly 11.86 Earth Years.

Jupiter length of year and day?

Jupiter is the fastest rotating planet. It is 9.9 hours in a day and 12 earth years on Jupiter.

What is the length of Jupiter years in earth days?

One year on Jupiter is equal to 11 Earth years

Length of a year and day on Jupiter?

A year on Jupiter is the same as 11.86 years on Earth. Jupiter's orbit varies by 76 million kilometers and has two times the mass of all the other objects in the solar system.

What is the length of the year for callisto?

The time taken by Callisto to orbit the Sun is essentially the same as the length of Jupiter's year: 11.86 earth years.