

What is the length of a stegosaurus?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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11y ago

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There were four different species of Stegosaurus. The largest was Stegosaurus armatus, which grew to be 30 feet long and weighed 5.5 tons. Stegosaurus longispinus and Stegosaurus stenops both grew to be about 23 feet long.

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Q: What is the length of a stegosaurus?
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What is the length of stegosaurus?

There were four different species of Stegosaurus. The largest was Stegosaurus armatus, which grew to be 30 feet long and weighed 5.5 tons. Stegosaurus longispinus and Stegosaurus stenops both grew to be about 23 feet long.

What are facts about a stegasaurs?

Stegosaurus were herbivores. They probably ate mosses, ferns, horsetails, cycads and conifers, but only the ones that were within 3 feet of the ground. Stegosaurus lived in North America and Portugal between 155 and 150 million years ago. There are for accepted species of Stegosaurus. They are Stegosaurus armatus, Stegosaurus stenops, Stegosaurus sulcatus, and Stegosaurus longispinus. Stegosaurus armatus was the largest, at 30 feet in length and with a weight of 5.5 tons.

What is the length for a stegosaurus brain?

Dno but measure the length of a peanut cos dats ow big its brain woz.

What is the scientific name of a Stegosaurus?

There are four currently accepted species in the genus Stegosaurus. They are Stegosaurus armatus, Stegosaurus stenops, Stegosaurus sulcatus, and Stegosaurus longispinus.

How many stegosaurus's have been found?

The remains of about 80 different Stegosaurus have been discovered. They belong to four different species, Stegosaurus armatus, Stegosaurus stenops, Stegosaurus sulcatus, and Stegosaurus longispinus.

What is the average length of a Stegosaurus?

There were four different species of Stegosaurus. The largest was Stegosaurus armatus, which grew to be 30 feet long and weighed 5.5 tons. Stegosaurus longispinus and Stegosaurus stenops both grew to be about 23 feet long.

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Stegosaurus? Stegosaurus?

What was life expectancy of stegosaurus?

bhdfszKfgaksgdfl stegosaurus

How long was a stegosaurus you feet?

There were four different species of Stegosaurus. The largest was Stegosaurus armatus, which grew to be 30 feet long. Stegosaurus longispinus and Stegosaurus stenops both grew to be about 23 feet long.

What do stegosaurus have?

A series of bony, elongated pentagonal plates running along the length of the spine, and a tail with spikes. They also had vegetables for dinner.

What is Stegosaurus size?

There were four different species of Stegosaurus. The largest was Stegosaurus armatus, which grew to be 30 feet long and weighed 5.5 tons. Stegosaurus longispinus and Stegosaurus stenops both grew to be about 23 feet long.

Does a stegosaurus have babies?

Yes, but stegosaurus are now extinct.