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Q: What is the length of the day and year on mercury and hours?
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Mercury - Length of Year: 88 Earth Days | Day Lasts: 4222.6 Earth Hours (175.94 Earth Days)Venus - Length of Year: 224.7 Earth Days | Day Lasts: 2802 Earth Hours (2778 Earth Days)Mars - Length of Year: 1 Earth Year 322 Earth Days | Day Lasts: 24.6597 Earth Hours (1.02 Earth Days)Jupiter - Length of Year: 11.86 Earth Years | Day Lasts: 9.9259 Earth Hours (0.44 Earth Days)Saturn - Length of Year: 29.5 Earth Years | Day Lasts: 10.656 Earth Hours (0.43 Earth Days)Neptune - Length of Year: 164.79 Earth Years | Day Lasts: 16.11 Earth Hours (0.7 Earth Days)Uranus - Length of Year: 84 Earth Years | Day Lasts: 17.24 Earth Hours (0.7 Earth Days)Pluto - Length of Year: 248.5 Earth Years | Day Lasts: 153 Earth Hours (6.4 Earth Days)

What is the Length of day in earth hours for planet mercury?

58.6 Earth days x 24 for hours

What is mercury's day length?

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun in our Solar System. It rotates very slowly on its axis. The length of one day on Mercury is equal to 58 days, 15 hours and 30 minutes on Earth.

How many hours does it take for mercury to have a day?

88 earth days * * * * * Actually, that is a Mercury year! A mercury day is 58.64 earth days.

What is mercurys length of the day?

One day on Mercury is equal to 1407.6 Earth hours.

Length of day mercury?

The length of day on Mercury is 58.646 Earth days. That's the rotation time, which is the sidereal day, but there's also the solar day. The solar day on Mercury is 176 Earth days.

Why are a day and a year the same length?

They aren't. A day is 24 hours long and a year is 365 days long, which is 8760 hours in a year.

How many hours on mercury in a day?

A mercury day (sidereal rotation period) is 58.646 earth days = 1407.5 hours.

What is the length of night on the desert?

The length of day and night depend upon the season of the year and the latitude of the desert. Over a year it averages 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night.

What is the length of day for Mercury in Earth days?

To understand the length of a day on Mercury, it is important to know the length of a Mercurian year. (Actually you don't need to know that.) Mercury orbits the sun in about 88 Earth days. It rotates on its axis (day) three times for every two orbits around the Sun (year). A Mercurian year lasts about one and a half Mercurian days. That's about 58.65 Earth days for the length of a day on Mercury. Remember though that this is called a "sidereal day". There's also another day called the "solar day". This is based on the apparent journey of the Sun round the sky. For Earth these two days are only slightly different, but for Mercury the difference is huge. The solar day is about 176 Earth days on Mercury.

Why is the length of a year in mercury much longer than a day in earth?

coz of how it obsorves with the sun