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depends on the crab.. they come in many different sizes

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Q: What is the length width and height of a crab in the coral reef?
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What is the complex invertebrate flatworm sponge coral or crab?

I had asked the same thing before but then I figured it out. Out of a flatworm, sponge, coral, or crab, the complex invertebrate is a crab.

Can a hermit crab talk to a coral?

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What is the length of the white crab?

The White Crab Spider can grow to a size of 10mm in length.

What eats a coral crab?

i know go to for answers?

How did the hermit crab describe the coral he added to its shell in may?

It was crusty

How do batwing coral crab deal with temperature?

Any crab can deal with any temperatures as long as it doesn't change much.

How small can a hermit crab get?

a hermit crab can be from 1cm - 17.5cm in length!

What are crabs height?

The average height for a crab is 6 inches tall. The weight for a crab is 2 pounds. Go San Francisco Giants! Lets win the 2010 World Series!

What are facts about the coral sea?

The Coral Sea is usually characterized with a lot of tropical cyclones, rain and remarkably stable climate. The reefs have a diverse bird and crab life.

How does a camouflage crab get its camouflage?

If its green, it would blend in with a green color.... if its red, it would blend into coral.

What is the length of the horseshoe crab?

it is as big as a piece of paper

Is a crab blue?

The size of ya mam