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Q: What is the ligament between the cervix and sacral part of the pelvic wall?
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What are common problems with sacral vertebrae in horses?

Overall, sacral vertebrae problems are not common in horses. However, it is possible for the sacral vertebrae to become fractured, dislocated or infected, all of which can compress the pelvic limb spinal nerves that run through the sacral vertebrae.

Where are S1-5 nerves?

S1-5. These nerves enter through the sacral or pelvic vertebrae.

What is the medial ridge along the posterior surface of the sacrum?

sacral crest

Which vertebrae forms a joint with the hip bone?

The fifth lumbar vertebra articulates with the first fused sacral vertebra of the pelvic girdle.

Is the pelvic bone in the center?

As far as the hips are concerned, the pelvic girdle is in the center. The pelvic "bone" in general is composed of many different fused bones, like the ilium or pubis. Attached to the pelvis is the lower sacral vertebrates known as the sacrum, also called the tailbone.

What part of the spine is both the mechanical weight bearing base of the spinal column and the fused central posterior section of the pelvic girdel?

The sacrum is both the mechanical weight bearing base of the spinal column and the fused central posterior section of the pelvic girdel. The is defined as, one of three bones (sacrum and two pelvic bones) that make up the pelvic ring; consists of five fused sacral vertebrae.

What is the opening of the tip of the sacral canal?

the sacral hiatussacral hiatus

What are the description of these bones cervical thoracic lumbar sacral coccyx?

coccyx-the remains of the tail cervical-support the neck (lift, bend and turn the head) sacral- fused to pelvic, base of trunk and legs lumbar- allow twisting and turning, provide attachment for back muscles thoracic-short floating ribs

What are the common names for the 5 spine riegons?

cervical region: neck Thoracic region: back Lumbar region: lower back sacral region: pelvic girdle Coccyxgeal region: tailbone

What is S1-5?

Peripheral neurons are bundled together to make up the 31 pairs.Each pair of nerves is named for the vertebra from which it exits. S1-5. These nerves enter through the sacral or pelvic vertebrae.

What are the five fused vertebrae with which the hip bones move called?

The five vertebrae that are fused within the pelvic bones are the sacral vertebrae, as well as a few vestigal caudal vertebrae that are called the coccyx in humans.

All the bones of the back?

Cervical,thoracic and lumbar,sacral vertebrae.If we extend the list to include all bones near back then,skull(occipital bone),scapula,pelvic bones(ischium,ileum)