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a flat, colored, ring-shaped membrane of the eye is called the iris

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It's called a retina.

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Q: What is the light sensitive membrane of the eye called?
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What is the light sensitive membrane at the back of the eye?

It's called a retina.

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Which part of the eye is sensitive to light?

The retina at the back of the eye is light-sensitive.

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Kearns-Sayre syndrome causes ophthalmoplegia along with loss of pigment in the retina, the light-sensitive membrane lining the eye

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yes the human eye is sensitive to red light

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What is the back of the eye called?

The back of the eye is called the retina. It is a light-sensitive layer of tissue that lines the back of the eye and contains cells that respond to light.

What is the name of organ at the back of your eye which is light sensitive?

Retina is the layer of light sensitive cells at the back of your eye

An organ that contains light receptors?

The eye is the organ that contains light receptors called photoreceptor cells. These cells, like rods and cones, are specialized to detect light and transmit visual information to the brain for processing.

What part of the eye is Light sensitive?

The retina at the back of the eye is light-sensitive

What are rods in the eye sensitive to?

The rods (themselves) are sensitive to light The cones are sensitive to colour

What part of the eye that is sensitive from the light?
