

Best Answer

Stargate, Ubisoft, Sparkle

Fade in to the left hand of a sleepy man. How'd he fall asleep there?

Help up the sleepy hooded man. That's what beds are for.

Drag him 'cross the stone floor. Front shot then a shot from the ceiling.

He could get carpet burned. Slow fade...

Cut to white on a boat, looking ahead. Holding onto a rope, I am...

Nauseous Now I'm alone, walking away, and Im afraid of heights,

Oh ****! How'd I get up here? If I fall then I would be dead.

I made it down alright, I feel great... RAHH GOD! COME ON!

Whoever shot that arrow's gonna pay.

Enter balled guy with a cape.

Break the arrow off, you can take a bald guy

Then you see the bald guy joined by some other guys.


In slow motion, kick a guy in the head, stab his friend.

Spin around, roll off, punch a face.

Start out in slow motion first, then use a speed hack.

Grab a sword, use it to deflect, stab him in the back.

Get down just in time, and slap him in the face.

Friendly fire's on, apparently.

Why unsheath your blade? Make 'em use their own.

Time out lemme get my weap's, in SLO MO.

I am the first X-Man. That jokes ahead of our time, but you still gonna die who the hell is that guy? The second X-Man.

Don't watch him walk away, or you'll lose a hidden blade and get surr-oun-ded.


Evil bald guy with a cape, Ezio plans his escape.

Boss waits patiently, Ezio shakes free.

All the royal guards pee themselves.

Main Boss calls them off with his right hand.

Slow dramatic zoom-pan Doesn't phase the hooded man.

Cape-Clad bald guy sentance Ezio to die.

Then he sees Altair, from the first game, He used to jump off those, anyway.

Under each of those there's a bale of hay.

After you synchronise, Leap of faith.

NOD at the bird, people die.

Everywhere, people die.

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