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Q: What is the literary term for this phrase like broken flights of birds?
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The underlined portion of this passage is an example of which literary termlike broken flights of birds?


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What is the complete phrase for birds of a feather?

"Birds of a feather flock together."

Why is Angry Birds broken on Google Chrome?

Angry birds is a extension or app inside the Chrome store. If broken, it can be downloaded again.

The behavior of the young birds in the story is an example of which literary term?

foreshadowing! :)

Why do birds have pneumatic bones?

pneumatic bones reduces the corporal density of animal faciliating flights

What is the prepositional phrase in this sentence The migrations of birds are remarkable events in nature?

'in nature' is the prepositional phrase.

What literary term describes birds of a feather flock together?

The literary term that describes "birds of a feather flock together" is an idiom. This expression conveys the idea that people with similar characteristics or interests tend to associate with one another.

Which step in the experimental method are scientists conducting when they photograph birds in flights?

it is in the observation area when they take off flight

Do birds burn a lot of energy during migratory flights?

If birds are going to fly for long periods of time to distant locations during migration, then they will burn a lot of energy.

Your friend Molly watches birds in her backyard what is the prepostional phrase?

"in her backyard"

What do you do when your birds beak is broken?

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