

What is the littlest time a person ever had asthma?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What is the littlest time a person ever had asthma?
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Can asthma be controlled without the help of a doctor by changing his or her daily life?

Not really. Living in an unpolluted area, eating a healthy diet, avoiding allergens and not smoking are good for everyone and may help to control asthma to a certain extent. But the fact is that the person who lives the healthiest life possible will still have asthma and will still need to use their pumps from time to time. This is especially true if the person has a cold or chest infection.

Does any asthma treatment cure the disease?

There are no asthma treatments that will cure asthma. Researchers are still working on it, but it can keep your asthma at bay for a short period of time where you don't have asthma attacks as often.

What would you notice about a person who is having an asthma attack?

They will start to have a lot of trouble breathing and they will most of the time have a panic look on there face

Can your body build a resistance to your asthma medication?

I was diagnosed with asthma in the early 1980's. I was taking theophylline for many years when it stopped working. Some time in the 90's, my doctor gave me Singulair and I've been taking it ever since. My asthma is still under control. I guess your body can develop a resistance, but, in my case, it seems to be over a very long period of time.

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Why asthma prevents you from running?

Asthma does not keep you from running; you just cannot run for a very long time. The reason for that is because asthma is a disease where people can't inhale air as easily as people who dont have it. My friend has asthma and she can't run for a long time.

Are takis bad for people with asthma?

Idont think so because I have asthma and I eat them all the time

What are the most common symptoms associated with asthma?

Asthma does not always present itself in the same way for each person or even the same way each time experienced for a single person. Severity of the symptoms can also change between attacks. The most common symptoms people experience when suffering from asthma include coughing; wheezing; shortness of breath; feeling tired or weak during exercise; and chest tightness, pain or pressure. If you're concerned if you may have asthma it is best to consult your physician to either rule out asthma or to come up with possible treatment plans to help limit the likelihood of any worse asthma reactions in the future.

Asthma Treatment Center?

form_title=Find an Asthma Treatment Center form_header=These centers can address a variety of issues regarding the treatment of asthma. When was the last time you had asthma treatment?=_ Does other family members suffer from asthma?= () Yes () No Do you have medical insurance?= () Yes () No

What are the common symptoms of asthma?

The symotms of asthma attack Asthma symptoms can:  Be mild, moderate or severe.  Vary from person to person.  Flare up from time to time and then not appear for long periods.  Vary from one episode to the next.

What are some signs of asthma?

Signs of asthma include shortness of breath, wheezing, tightness in chest, and coughing. However, not every person has the same symptoms, and some people also go through long periods of time without experiencing any symptoms.