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Q: What is the long term medical care after aoric aneurysm repair is there any restrictions to normal day to day activities?
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What are normal results aortic aneurysm repair?

Repair of the aneurysm will provide normal blood flow to the systemic circulation. Pain associated with the aneurysm will be relieved by the repair. The risk of aneurysm rupture will be eliminated.

What does functional mean in medical terms?

Functional in medical terms means related to normal physiological processes or related to activities of daily living.

What is an abnormal aorta?

an aorta which is not normal ,it can be aneurysm coarctation aorta and etc....

Can a newborn baby survive a brain rupture?

"Brain rupture" is not a normal medical term. Do you mean the rupture of a cerebral aneurysm? It depends on the severity and location of the rupture... some are non-fatal, and others can cause death.

What is the process known as aneurysm obliteration?

The placement of surgical clips to the neck of the lesion. Thus, the aneurysm becomes isolated from the normal circulation without damaging adjacent vessels and shrinks to become undetectable.

When does the cell carry on normal activities such as protein synthesis?

It carries on normal activities during the stage called G1.

What is the purpose of cerebral aneurysm surgery?

The purpose of cerebral aneurysm surgery is to isolate weakened vessel area from the blood supply. This is mostly done by placement of small, surgical clips to the neck of the lesion. The aunerysm starts to fade away from the normal circulation without damaging other vessels or their branches, a process known as aneurysm obliteration.

Why would someone's Vagina make a sound such as when doing yoga?

I'm not a medical professional, but I believe it's normal. It can happen during activities such as yoga or sex, and it is sometimes referred to as a queef.

What restrictions must pancreatectomy patients adhere to following surgery?

Patients usually resume normal activities within a month. They are asked to avoid heavy lifting for six to eight weeks following surgery and not to drive as long as they take narcotic medication.

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Absolutely normal with some food restrictions.

What is the medical term meaning wandering away from normal location?

Ectopic is the medical term meaning away from normal location.

Is snoring a normal part of sleeping or is it a medical problem?

medical part