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Total words: 232*

"Much of my difficulty was due to the unending conflict between the two natures of my subject: the urge of ambition opposed by animal indolence; the ideals of a superior people crossed by the instincts of an inferior race; the high purposes of a great mind antagonized by the urge of a primitive inheritance; the long-distance view of a far-seeing Monitor counteracted by the nearsightedness of a creature of time; the progressive plans of an ascending being modified by the desires and longings of a material nature; the flashes of universe intelligence cancelled by the chemical-energy mandates of the evolving race; the urge of angels opposed by the emotions of an animal; the training of an intellect annulled by the tendencies of instinct; the experience of the individual opposed by the accumulated propensities of the race; the aims of the best overshadowed by the drift of the worst; the flight of genius neutralized by the gravity of mediocrity; the progress of the good retarded by the inertia of the bad; the art of the beautiful besmirched by the presence of evil; the buoyancy of health neutralized by the debility of disease; the fountain of faith polluted by the poisons of fear; the spring of joy embittered by the waters of sorrow; the gladness of anticipation disillusioned by the bitterness of realization; the joys of living ever threatened by the sorrows of death."

* The Urantia Book

Paper 111 - The Adjuster and the Soul

Section 7.5 The Adjuster's Problem

Author: a guardian seraphim (angel)

[ The long sentence is preceded by this introduction of the presenter of Paper 111, a Solitary Messenger of Orvonton:

"The higher human races of Urantia are complexly admixed; they are a blend of many races and stocks of different origin. This composite nature renders it exceedingly difficult for the Monitors to work efficiently during life and adds definitely to the problems of both the Adjuster and the guardian seraphim after death. Not long since I was present on Salvington and heard a guardian of destiny present a formal statement in extenuation of the difficulties of ministering to her mortal subject. This seraphim said:" (111:7.4) ]

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The longest sentence in the Urantia Book is found in Paper 99: The Social Problems of Religion and it contains 196 words. This sentence discusses the expansion of the worship concept from its primitive form to more advanced spiritual expressions over the course of human evolution.

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When was The Urantia Book created?

The Urantia Book was created in 1955-10.

What is the web address of the Urantia Book Historical Society Inc in Santa Paula California?

The web address of the Urantia Book Historical Society Inc is:

What is the difference between the Urantia Book and the Urantia Papers?

The Urantia Book is a published text containing spiritual and philosophical teachings, believed by some to have been transmitted by celestial beings. The Urantia Papers are the original manuscripts on which The Urantia Book is based. The Papers are said to have been authored by celestial beings but were later compiled and edited to create The Urantia Book.

Which is the revelation Urantia Book or Urantia Papers?

This question has long been answered by Paper 92 of the Urantia Papers. In particular, the first Urantia Book did not exist when the words of 92:4.4 were written: "There have been many events of religious revelation but only five of epochal significance": 1. The Dalamatian teachings. (early humans) 2. The Edenic teachings. (Adam and Eve) 3. Melchizedek of Salem. 4. Jesus of Nazareth. (Christ Michael) 5. The Urantia Papers. So, Urantia Book can only be "the human compilation of the Urantia Papers into book format." Seemingly, an insignificant point unless in the future the Book becomes sacred to some readers, since as "Papers" that sacredness is not easily assigned (and perhaps why the revelators chose "Papers" for 92:4.4 knowing that "Book" would be the first published format).

Is the book of the urantia and the book of the apocrypha true?

The books of Urantia and the Apocrypha are considered religious texts that offer insights and teachings for their respective traditions. Whether they are "true" is a matter of individual belief and interpretation. Some people view them as sacred texts with deep spiritual significance, while others may approach them as historical or literary works.

Where is the Urantia Book Historical Society Inc in Santa Paula California located?

The address of the Urantia Book Historical Society Inc is: 750 Manor Ridge Road, Santa Paula, CA 93060

Who said Within every sin is concealed the seed of its own destruction?

Urantia Book

What is the Urantia Blessing?

A concept derived from the story of Melchizedek in the Urantia Book: About 4000 years ago, this priest of Salem declared "I am Melchizedek, priest of El Elyon, the Most High, the one and only God" (93:2.1). A decade later, Melchizedek sent an invitation to Abraham, saying "Come to Salem, where you shall hear our teachings of the truth of the eternal Creator" (93:5.5). "And this preacher of a supernal God never ceased to proclaim this God of love. 'I dwell in the high and holy place, also with him who is of contrite and humble spirit.' And once again did the fear-destroying gospel of Melchizedek shine forth for the blessing of mankind" (97:7.12). In the spirit of Melchizedek, our planet's third epochal revelation, this "Urantia Blessing" has again appeared with the arrival of our fifth epochal revelation, the Urantia Papers. The Papers were received in the early decades of the 20th century then compiled later to create the Urantia Book, first published in 1955. This new concept of "the Urantia Blessing" (theUB) includes all five epochal revelations as described in the Urantia Papers: "There have been many events of religious revelation but only five of epochal significance" (92:4.4). These five epochal revelations begin with the Dalamatian teachings (early humans) and are followed consecutively by the Edenic teachings (Adam and Eve), Melchizedek of Salem, Jesus of Nazareth and the Urantia Papers. See also on wiki.answers: "Who wrote the Urantia book?" "Who are the celestial authors of the Urantia Papers?" "What is the difference between the Urantia Book and the Urantia Papers?"

What is an ultimaton particle?

According to the Urantia Book, the ultimaton is the smallest basic unit of matter. There are 100 of them in an electron according to this book. But physicists have not yet detected this particle.

What is The Urantia Book about?

It's actually about a lot of stuff from cosmology, religion, philosophy, Jesus (his whole life), science, theology, etc... The Urantia Papers, published since 1955 as the Urantia Book, is our planet's "fifth epochal revelation", the recent of five Urantia blessings*. The origin and meaning of life and the fact of the spiritual brotherhood of man are topics of special interest to most new readers. *Paper 92 - The Later Evolution of Religion Section 4. The Gift of Revelation "There have been many events of religious revelation but only five of epochal significance": (92:4.4) 1. The Dalamatian teachings. (early humans) 2. The Edenic teachings. (Adam and Eve) 3. Melchizedek of Salem. 4. Jesus of Nazareth. (Christ Michael) 5. The Urantia Papers.

What relation does the urantia book have to the galactic federation of light?

The Urantia Book and the Galactic Federation of Light are separate belief systems. The Urantia Book is a spiritual and philosophical text that originated in the early 20th century, while the Galactic Federation of Light is a New Age concept centered around the idea of benevolent extraterrestrial beings guiding humanity. Each has its own followers and teachings.

Where can you find a book on gods angels?

Look up The Urantia Book. It is for sale at any book store (Amazon, B&N) It goes to great lengths about angels and other celestial personalities, from a non-Christian perspective.