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Q: What is the longest stage of fire?
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What is the longest stage in mitosis?

latest information from biologists suggest that the longest stage in mitosis is Metaphase

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The longest stage of stellar evolution is the main sequence phase.

What stage does longest part of the cell cycle?

Longest stage of cell cycle would be the interphase

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the first stage (opening of the cervix)

What stage is the longest stage?

prophase I of meiosis I because that is where crossing over occurs

What was the longest stage of the 2012 tour de France?

Stage 12 on the 13th July

What is the first period of prenatal development?

The first period of prenatal development is the germinal stage, which lasts for the first two weeks after conception. During this stage, the fertilized egg, or zygote, undergoes rapid cell division and eventually forms a blastocyst. The blastocyst implants itself into the uterine wall, marking the end of the germinal stage.

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What was the earliest and longest stage of cultural development?

The earliest stage of human cultural development is referred to as the Paleolithic period, beginning around 2.5 million years ago with the advent of stone tools. The longest stage of cultural development is the Neolithic period, characterized by the development of agriculture around 10,000 years ago leading to settled communities and the rise of complex societies.

What is the usually the longest stage of a thunderstorm?

The mature stage may sometimes be prolonged by a tilted updraft, but for the most part all stages last around 10 minutes.

Which phase of mitosis is the longest and why?

Interphase is the longest because 90% of mitosis occurs in this stage and it is when the cells replicate.

What is the longest phase of meiosis?

The longest phase in meiosis is Meiosis 1.