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Q: What is the longestword in the worled?
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class LongestWord{String str = "Ram is intelligent boy";String stringArray[] = str.split("\\s");public String compare(String st1, String st2){if(st1.length()>st2.length()){return st1;}else{return st2;}}LongestWord(){String word = "";for(int i=0;i

What is the longestword?

The longest word in the English language is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis. It is a lung disease when someone inhales volcanic ash.

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Who cares, its all good! ;)

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Osiris was lord of the dead.

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Juan Ponce de Leon changed the worled by finding and naming Florida

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the biggest rock in the world is mt.agustus

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call me 7178246000

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the world would endwell girls have a stroke and like stuff

Who is the best football team in worled?

i think its is either Manchester united or real Madrid or Barcelona