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Q: What is the low pressure area with closed isobars with wind force of 10 to 11 mph?
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How do you read isobars?

The isobars form layered rings on the weather map.The closer the layers of the rings are to eachother, the lower the air pressure in that area is. The further apart they are the higher the air pressure. The closer the isobars are, the stronger the wind is. The air pressure is also depicted by letters. In an area where the isobars show that it has a high pressure, a 'H' will be in the the centre circle. If there is low air pressure there will be an 'L'. Air pressure is the density of air molecules. High air pressure is heaps of air molecules close together. Low air pressure is when they are far apart. When the air pressure changes from high to low, wind is created.

How does surface area and force affect pressure?

Pressure is force per area, so P = F/A where pressure is P, force is F and A is area. So Pressure is directly proportional to the force exerted on a surface. So increasing a force by a factor of 2, say, increases the pressure on the surface by 2 also.

How do you find pressure if force and area is given?

force= pressure*area

How can you calculate area from force and pressure?

Force (lbs) = Pressure (psi) x Area (in2)Pressure=Force/Area

How is force pressure and area related?

pressure x area= force. force is the product of pressure and area

What are relationships between pressure and force and between pressure and area?

pressure is force divided by area

What are Isobars and what does it mean when they are close together?

It means that there is a steep gradient, or pressure change, and strong winds.

How does pressure vary with force?

pressure is force divided by area

What is the formula relating pressure and force to area?

pressure = force/area force = pressure x area area = force/pressure

How can you pressure from area and force?

Force (lbs) = Pressure (psi) x Area (in2)Pressure=Force/Area

How is pressure related to force and area?

Pressure = (total force on an area) divided by (area of the area). Half the area and keep the force the same you get twice the pressure. half the force and over the same area pressure is halved. P = F/A

What is the force that results from the weight of air pushing on an area?

Pressure. If this is in the open air rather than a closed vessel, it is called atmospheric pressure.