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The nicest rate for carbon dioxide gas to exist in air is 0.038 but different kinds of pollution lets it increase causing the global warming.

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Q: What is the lowest level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for life to exist?
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How has the atmosphere changed over the last 4.5 billion years?

Due to photosynthesising, single celled organisms, the atmosphere now has much more oxygen in it. this is possibly the most important change as with out we would exist. The atmosphere originally had much more carbon-dioxide and made the planet so hot humans would not be able to survive.

Does Jupiter have ice?

No, it is the only one of the 8 major planets that has no ice. It also has no liquid water. The reason for this is that the thick carbon dioxide atmosphere traps solar heat and efficiently carries it to all areas of the planet. The poles and "night" side of Venus, which would ordinarily be cold, are nearly the same temperature as the "day" side, which is around 460°C (860°F). So neither water or ice can exist in a liquid state on the surface.

The lowest temperatures in the atmosphere exist in the?

Mesosphere, in a portion toward the top of this layer called the mesopause - about 50 - 55 miles up. Here the temperatures can be as low as 100'C

How is planet Mars and planet Earth environment different?

Mars' nighttime temperature is extremely cold. Its average daytime temperature is -23 degrees celsius. Mostly all of Mars' atmosphere is carbon dioxide. Little is oxygen. Liquid water probably does not exist on mars. Mars' surface is red/orange and rough. It has some sand and a lot of rock.

What is the chemical composition of Mars' atmosphere?

Mars has a very thin atmosphere with a pressure of .636 kPa. It is composed of 96 percent carbon dioxide with trace amounts of argon, nitrogen, oxygen and carbon monoxide.

Related questions

What gases exist today but were absent from early earth's atmosphere?

is it carbon dioxide

What kind of atmosphere that may exist on mars?

The atmosphere on mars is very thin it contains Carbon dioxide, nitrogen and argon.

What does carbon dioxide play for all living things?

CO2 in the atmosphere is necessary for life to exist on Earth. Plants use Carbon Dioxide and give off oxygen to produce food in the process of photosynthesis. Plants and animals give off Carbon Dioxide as a waste product.

Chemical substances in the atmosphere exist as a?

Chemical substances such as nitrogen, oxygen, argon are a mixture that are found in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide and water are also found depending on the climate and altitude.

CO2 is what kind of solution?

Carbon dioxide is an inorganic gas; but carbon dioxide can exist as a water solution.

Is carbon dioxide unique to earth?

Carbon Dioxide do exist in universe in places other than Earth.

How much carbon exist in the world today?

carbon exist in earth crust as 0.02% and in atmosphere 0.03%

Do the chemical substances found in the atmosphere exist as a mixture?

Atmosphere composition: nitrogen, oxygen, argon; impurities are carbon dioxide, water, powders and many others depending upon region, climate, altitude.

Why does it exist climate change in US?

carbon dioxide

What state does carbon dioxide exist on mars?


What gas mostly exist on Mars?

Carbon Dioxide

What happened when there is abundant carbon dioxide in atmosphere?

There is enough warmth for life to exist on the planet. Planet lfe is also able to flourish and we have a comfortable planet. Excess carbon dioxide is believed to contribute to global warming and could create a less hospitable planet.