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Q: What is the lowest pitched instrument of brass family?
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The lowest pitched instrument of the brass family is what?

The euphonium is the second lowest member of the brass family.

What is the lowest-pitched instrument in the brass family?

The lowest pitch, and therefore largest, is the tuba.

Is the trumpet is the lowest pitched instrument of the brass family?

No, In fact it is a Tuba.

Which brass instrument is the lowest commonly found in the orchestra?

The tuba is the lowest in the brass family.

What is the lowest brass insterument?

The tuba. This large brass member is pitched incredibly low, and is the lowest pitched brass instrument.

Is a tuba low or high pitch?

A tuba is a low pitched instrument. It uses the bass clef also.

What is the loudest instrument in the brass family?

The loudest instrument in the Brass Family is the Trumpet.According to them. ;)To be fair, the horns or the trombones can give them a run for their ego's and the scale of 'loud'.

What is the lagest brass instrument?

The tuba is the largest and the lowest tone brass instrument

What is a baritone saxophone?

A baritone saxophone is a baritone-pitched brass instrument belonging to the saxophone family.

What is the largest brass?

The tuba is the largest brass instrument with the largest mouthpiece. In marching the Sousaphone and the Contrabass bugle (known as contra) are marching versions of the tuba. The contra is the lowest-pitched, largest, and heaviest marching instrument.

The lowest brass instrument?


What is the Highest instrument in the brass family?

The highest instrument in the Brass Family is the Trumpet.