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-459.67 F

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Q: What is the lowest possible temperature on Fahrenheit scale?
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-460 degrees what sacle is Fahrenheit celsiusor kelvin?

The lowest possible temperature on the Celsius scale is -273.15 degrees Celsius. The lowest possible temperature on the Kelvin scale is 0 degrees Kelvin. Therefore the only temperature scale on which -460 degrees is possible is the Fahrenheit scale.

If the highest temperature is 18 degrees Fahrenheit and the lowest -4 degrees Fahrenheit what is the temperature range?

It is 22 Fahrenheit degrees (NOT 22 degrees Fahrenheit, since this is not a ratio scale).

What is the lowest temperature for Fahrenheit?

The "coldest" temperature that can be expressed on any temperature scale is absolute zero, the theoretical minimum temperature of matter. It is expressed on the Fahrenheit scale as - 459.67 °F (equal to -273.15 °C or 0 K). Any numerical values further below zero would be meaningless.

What is -4700 degrees Celsius in fahrenheit?

There is no such possible temperature value in Celsius or in Fahrenheit. Absolute zero (lowest measurable temperature) is -273.15°C / -459.67°F. (This is also zero on the Kelvin scale, 0 K or 0 kelvins)

What temperature scale does absolute zero appear?

Absolute zero is the lowest number on the Kelvin scale. It can be converted to Celsius and Fahrenheit.

What is absolute zero of temperature?

The lowest possible temperature. On the Kelvin scale, this temperature is zero degrees; on the Celsius scale, about minus 273 degrees.

How do you spell farenhieht?

The temperature scale is Fahrenheit, named for scientist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit.

What temperature scale does not use degree?

The temperature scale that has no negative values is the Kelvin scale, because it has its zero point at the lowest possible measurable temperature (absolute zero).The similarly based scale using Fahrenheit intervals (degrees) is the Rankine scale. The Kelvin scale starts at (the minimum) absolute zero. (0 K = -273 oC)

What is a Fahrenheit scale?

a Fahrenheit scale is a temperature scale they use in the united states

Why does the kelvin thermometer start from -273 Celsius temperature?

The idea is to start at absolute zero - the lowest possible temperature. This happens to be -273.16 on the Centigrade (Celsius) scale. The Kelvin scale has no negative temperatures; zero degrees Kelvin is the lowest possible temperature.

What is the lowest on the Fahrenheit scale?

-459.7 F

How do you spell ferihit?

The temperature scale is Fahrenheit, named for its inventor, Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit.