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Q: What is the mad gab answer for Canoe Key Pit Who Years Elf?
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What are the key events of the pit and the pendulum?

he was saved by the general

How old is rapper pit bull?

pit bull is 32 years old

How many years will Satan be bound in the bottomless pit?

1000 years

How do you get across the pit that you have to cross to get the boss key in the desert temple?

You need to use the Spinner.

How did joey swallow his key?

he pit in his mouth and relaxed his throat kinda like your mom

How old is pit in super smash bro brawl?

pit is 14 years old. (the oldest character is ganondorf, he is 60)

How young do girls get arm pit hair?

10 years

Does the life span shorten for an American Pit Bull if it mixed with a Rednose Pit Buul?

No, as far as I know, all types of Pit Bulls live 12-14 years normally. I had one live for 17 years though with lots of love & care.

What is a bottomless pit?

It's like a pit that is never ending.when smoothing gravity is bent into a circlet's when an object is drop inside, it will keep falling in a circle where there isn't an ending.AnswerThe 'bottomless pit' is at the centre of the earth: at that point everything is 'up' and there is no 'down'.Answer:The Bottomless Pit in the Bible is symbolic of the bottomless depths of evil.In the "Literal" Bible in Revelation 9:1 - A "star" falls out of the sky to earth, and is given a key. (Stars are symbolic of "angels" Rev.1:20)"And was given to it the key to the pit of the pit." (Rev.9:1 LIT)The first "pit" inspired has an "uncertain derivation." Perhaps an "abyss (as a prison)."The second "pit" means "toothless"This "angel" with the key to the "bottomless pit" wields the power to open it. It happens at the time of the sounding of the "fifth" trumpet of Revelation's seventh seal.These seven trumpets blow during the Great Tribulation, apparently at the behest of the Two Witnesses, who, like Moses and Aaron, will have the power to answer the miracles and wonders of Apples magicians with plagues and miracles of their own for the entire 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation (Rev.11).Satan will open his whole bag of tricks and miracles and wonders and release them from his bottomless pit of evil during this time as the world will be poised for World War III.

What is the Average life expectancy of pit bulls?

A Pit Bull's average lifespan is 8-15 years. An adult Pit Bull will grow to have a height of 43-56 cm at the shoulder.

Can a pit-bull live for 9 years?

Certainly. An average lifespan would be 12 - 14 years.

What is a pit bull life expectations?

The American Pit Bull Terrier has a natural life span span of 13-15 years. Unfortunately, if you assume there are 4-7 million pit bulls in the US and a million are estimated euthanized yearly due to negligence and over breeding the average pit bull's life expectancey is closer to 4 to 7 years.