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It is the positive square root of its length.

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Q: What is the magnitude of an acceleration vector?
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Is acceleration a quantity of vector?

yes, Acceleration is vector quatity!!. Its has both magnitude and direction

Quantities have both a magnitude and direction?

Yes, quantities that have both magnitude and direction are known as vectors. Examples include force, velocity, and acceleration. Vectors are commonly represented using arrows to show both the magnitude (length) and direction of the quantity.

Is the acceleration of a rocket a vector or scalar?

It is a vector. A scalar has only magnitude. A vector has magnitude and direction.Acceleration is a vector because it has magnitude and direction. That's why an object can be said to be accelerating if it has a circular rotation and a constant speed; even though it's speed isn't changing, it's direction constantly is. Displacement (s), velocity (v), and acceleration (a), are vectors because they have both magntude and direction.

What is directional acceleration?

Directional acceleration is the rate of change of an object's velocity with respect to its direction. It is a measure of how quickly an object is changing its speed and/or direction as it moves along a path.

What are the tangential and normal components of acceleration?

The tangential component of acceleration is the change in speed along the direction of motion, while the normal component is the change in direction of velocity. In other words, tangential acceleration affects the speed of an object, while normal acceleration affects the direction of motion.

What is acceleration since it has magnitude and direction?

Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity with respect to time. It is a vector quantity as it has both magnitude (how fast the velocity is changing) and direction (the direction in which the velocity is changing).

Is acceleration Scalar quantities?

Since acceleration has both a magnitude and a direction, it is therefore a vector quantity, not a scalar quantity.

Is a acceleration a scalar quantity?

Since acceleration has both a magnitude and a direction, it is therefore a vector quantity, not a scalar quantity.

What is the first derivative of speed?

Speed is scalar (it doesn't have direction), and the magnitude of velocity (a vector). The first derivative of velocity is acceleration, therefore the first derivative of speed is the magnitude of acceleration.

This is a quantity that has both size and direction?

Such a quantity is called a vector. A shining example is velocity itself. velocity is the rate of change of displacement- the distance moved by particle in a specified direction. Since velocity = displacement/time taken = vector/scalar, Velocity thus has both a direction and a magnitude (magnitude = speed of particle) Another examples include quantities such as Force, acceleration, displacement

What could describe the magnitude of a vector?

A vector could describe a something physical like a force or velocity or acceleration or torque for example. The units would be part of the magnitude of the vector. For example, the wind is blowing South at 10 mph. The magnitude is 10 miles per hour.

What is a unit vector?

It is a vector whose magnitude is 1.It is a vector whose magnitude is 1.It is a vector whose magnitude is 1.It is a vector whose magnitude is 1.