

What is the main cause of incontinence?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What is the main cause of incontinence?
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Can Depression cause incontinence?

In some women depression can cause incontinence, but in other it can run the other way. It varies between different people. If you want to learn more about the links between depression and incontinence in women, please visit this site:

Can high or low blood sugar levels cause incontinence?

Absolutely, high Blood sugar can result in urinary incontinence.

What is the cause of urinary incontinence?

Most urinary incontinence is caused by leakage when stress is applied to the abdominal muscles by coughing, sneezing, or exercising.

How does childbirth affect stress incontinence?

Childbirth can stretch the pelvic muscles and cause the bladder to lose some support from surrounding muscles, resulting in stress incontinence.

Can menopause cause in women urinary incontinence?

Yes. Go to your doctor she can help you.

Is Urinary incontinence in women is cause by childbearing?

Yes. The muscles stretch and this will cause this condition. Go to your doctor for help.

Where can someone find more information about incontinence as a result of wearing underwear?

Typically wearing underwear is not a cause of incontinence. Incontinence may be caused by illness, lack of pelvic floor muscle strength and a variety of other reasons. One should speak to their Doctor for more information about incontinence, and the products available.

What do you mean by urine incontinence?

Urine incontinence is a condition when you do not have any control over the bladder and it cause involuntary urine leaks. It could happen to both men and women.

How urinary incontinence is related to smoke?

Yes, smoking and incontinence are related because a smoker's cough can be an indirect cause of leakage due to the frequency and abnormal violence involved in each cough. Also, smokers can get circulatory diseases and the subsequent prescription of diuretic medicines also cause leakage. So its important to have proper incontinence protection.

Does multiple sclerosis make you urinate on yourself?

MS can affect the bladder and cause incontinence.

Can a person have sciatica in vagina buttocks anus right thigh and incontinence from sciatic nerve?

Yes, a person can have sciatica in the areas mentioned, however I'm not sure it can cause incontinence.

What are the most common signs of urinary urgency?

Urniary urgency, or also called urinary incontinence, can have a few different causes. The main cause of urinary urgency is child birth or loss of support of the urethra.