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The nicotine affects the brain and is what causes the cigarette to be so addictive.

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Q: What is the main drug in cigarettes that effects the brain the most and is highly addictive?
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Is the electric cigarette safe for an 11 year old?

No, electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, are not safe for children, teens, or anyone who has not already been smoking. They contain nicotine, which is highly addictive and can harm brain development in children and teens. Additionally, e-cigarettes have been linked to lung injuries and deaths, and the long-term health effects of using e-cigarettes are not yet known. It is illegal to sell e-cigarettes to minors in many countries, and it is important to keep e-cigarettes and their refill liquids out of the reach of children and teens.

Do people misuse or become dependent on cocaine?

Yes cocaine, cigarettes and other stuff have this stuff called nicotine which is highly addictive. it also Clouds a part of your brain so you can't t think and become reliable and kills you

What is the substance in cigarettes that make smoker addicted?

it is not necessarily the body that makes cigarettes addictive. the nicotine in the cigarette is addictive. it rushes up to your brain and makes you addicted.

How addictive is inhalence?

Inhalants can be highly addictive due to the rapid and intense effects they produce. The chemicals in inhalants can have a powerful impact on the brain, leading to dependency and cravings for the high they produce. Regular use of inhalants can quickly escalate into addiction and have serious consequences for physical and mental health.

Why a person cannot resist chocolate?

Chocolate contains caffeine and sugar, both of which are highly addictive. They make you feel alert and happy. Your brain remembers these effects, therefore it can be hard for one to resist eating chocolate.

What does dependency syndrome mean?

The nicotine in cigarettes is highly addictive. When the body withdraws from it the brain begins to crave the drug. Theses cravings are powerful and either the smoker lights up or withdrawal symptoms begin. Some of which are anxiety, insomnia, edginess and depressive symptoms.

What does tobacco dependent syndrome means?

The nicotine in cigarettes is highly addictive. When the body withdraws from it the brain begins to crave the drug. Theses cravings are powerful and either the smoker lights up or withdrawal symptoms begin. Some of which are anxiety, insomnia, edginess and depressive symptoms.

Why are people so addicted to cigarettes?

Nicotine is used in the making of cigarettes and most people use it as a depressant.It also causes the release of natural chemicals in our brain called beta-endorphins. These chemicals cause us to feel more alert and calm. The problem is that nicotine isn't stored in the body so these effects last only a few minutes. We need to absorb more and more nicotine to make the effects last. because of nicotine, a drug that makes your brain think that it needs more through physical dependence (that's when you get other side effects when you don't smoke).

What is the most addictive thing in the world?

Addiction can manifest in many forms, but substances like tobacco, heroin, and cocaine are among the most addictive due to their effects on the brain's reward system. Behavioral addictions, such as gambling or excessive internet use, can also be highly addictive for some individuals.

What body systems do nicotine effect?

Nicotine is an extremely addictive drug. When smoking, nicotine enters the bloodstream and goes straight to the brain. The brain is the body system that nicotine effects

What are the negative effects with people who use cyrstal meth?

1. Severe, rapid weight loss. 2. Paranoia and hallucinations 3. Brain damage 4. Accelerates tooth decay and tooth loss (known as "meth mouth") 5. Highly addictive

What makes some thing a drug?

The term drugs refers to the psychoactive ability of a substance. This means a drug is something that changes the chemicals in your brain. This isn't just street drugs like cocaine and ecstasy. Caffeine (in Coffee), as well as nicotine from cigarettes are drugs as well. In the case of nicotine, a highly addictive one.