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Q: What is the main factor responsible for the appearance of pimples during adolescence?
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Your Body During Adolescence - 1955 was released on: USA: 1955

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The hormone testosterone is produced in the testes of a boy during adolescence. This hormone is responsible for the development of male secondary sexual characteristics such as facial hair, deepening of voice, and muscle growth.

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Metabolism can speed up during adolescence. This is one of the times during a life cycle where the metabolism works faster.

Are you dirty when you have pimples?

Pimples are common during puberty, due to hormonal spurt. You do not look dirty, when you have pimples. Late teenagers go on thinking about the pimples only. Almost every body gets the pimples and that is certainly not a crime to have pimples. So do not go on touching the pimples and do not squeeze them. You look beautiful by smile of the face, even with pimples there on your face.

What is a severe case of pimples during puberty?


How do you cure a inflamed pimple?

Your body needs air, so when you go without clothes (or scantily clad) in summer, pimples disappear a lot. Saunas are recommended for those with acne. It helps to cleanse the skin and pimples do not like this. Additionally, wash in clean water morning and night to recommend. Some get quite a few pimples during puberty and adolescence. Usually, it will calm down when the "worst" hormonsvingingene has calmed down, and puberty is over. It can be tiring when it's on, but perhaps a consolation that there is something that goes over

Why some people develop pimples during menstrual period?

most of the times you get more pimples before or during the period, because your hormones go crazy, but you can't only get pimples before the period.

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