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Elongated and distorted bodies

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Q: What is the main feature of the painting by El greco?
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What is El Greco work's main feature?

elongated and distorted bodies

What artist is famous for his painting of Toledo?

El Greco El Greco

What city is shown in the painting st bernadino by el greco?


What is an aesthetic question you could ask about El Greco's The Burial of Count Orgaz?

Options are: Does the painting have to tell a story to be considered art? How did El Greco use color and value in this painting? Where is pattern most prominent in this painting?

What are the titles of two of el Greco's painting?

The Burial of the Count of Orgaz and El espolio (The Disrobing of Christ).

Why did El Greco go to Spain?

Because the emperor was building a new palace and wanted to employ Italian artists or artists trained in Italy. But the emperor did not lake El Greco's painting.

Where is the famous painting 'View of Toledo' by El Greco.?

It is in the Metropolitan Museum, New York City

What does El Grecos painting style represent?

El Greco's painting style placed an emphasis imagination. He was uninterested in classicist standards such as proportion, and focused more so on simple intuition.

What has the author J Lassaigne written?

J. Lassaigne has written: 'Spanish painting from Velazquez to Picasso' 'Spanish painting from the Catalan frescos to El Greco'

The holy trinity by el greco?

El Greco's Holy Trinity was painted in 1579. It is a mannerism style oil on canvas painting depicting the mourning of Christ. It is currently on display at the Museo Nacional del Prado in Madrid, Spain.

What did El Greco paint about in his paintings?

El Greco was not a Renaissance painter. He is an example of Mannerism, which came after the Renaissance and opposed most of what the Renaissance painters had stood for.

When was El Greco Apartments created?

El Greco Apartments was created in 1929.