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Banks are financial institutions that can make or break an economy. Unsupervised and uncontrolled behavior from banks can spell doom to the economy and for the customers as well. Hence central banks like the Reserve Bank in India or the Federal Reserve in USA monitor the functioning of all banks in their jurisdiction and ensure that they function in a just fashion and customers stand to benefit at all times.

Each country has a central bank that supervises the banks that operate in that country.

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12h ago

The main functions of a central bank include controlling the money supply, setting interest rates, regulating commercial banks, managing foreign exchange reserves, and acting as a lender of last resort to provide liquidity to financial institutions in times of crisis. Central banks also play a key role in maintaining price stability and promoting economic growth.

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11y ago

The main function of central bank is to issue currency

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Are you using an article? i think you might need to highlight it or underline it.

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What has the author R Mehnert written?

R. Mehnert has written: 'Central Bank to the European Union:European Monetary Institute, European System of Central Banks, European Central Bank, Structures, Tasks, and Functions'

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it instruct other banks for the implementation. it supervise policies and regulation of the banks. it help govrnment to release the fund and advice government on economy. it incharge of the nation currency

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