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The atmosphere

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The main geological reservoir for nitrogen is in the Earth's atmosphere, where nitrogen exists predominantly as nitrogen gas (N2). Nitrogen gas makes up around 78% of the Earth's atmosphere.

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Q: What is the main geological reservoir for nitrogen?
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What is the main geological reservoir that provides a source of nitrogen?

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What the main geological reservoir that provides a source of nitrogen?

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What is the main reservoir of nitrogen in the biosphere?

The main reservoir of nitrogen in the biosphere is the atmosphere. Nitrogen gas (N2) makes up about 78% of Earth's atmosphere. Nitrogen is cycled through the biosphere by processes like nitrogen fixation, nitrification, and denitrification.

What are the main nitrogen reservoirs?

The main nitrogen reservoirs in the environment are the atmosphere, where nitrogen exists as N2 gas, and in organic matter in soil and vegetation. Nitrogen is also found in the ocean as nitrate and ammonium ions.

What is the main abiotic reservoir of nitrogen?

The main abiotic reservoir of nitrogen is the atmosphere, which is composed of about 78% nitrogen gas (N2). Nitrogen in the atmosphere is relatively inert and needs to be converted into a usable form by biological processes like nitrogen fixation before it can be utilized by living organisms.

Where is the earth's vast reservoir of nitrogen?

Earth's vast reservoir is in it's atmosphere which is roughly 79% nitrogen.

The reservoir for nitrogen is?


What is the largest reservoir of nitrogen?

The largest reservoir of nitrogen is in the atmosphere, where it exists primarily as nitrogen gas (N2). Nitrogen gas makes up about 78% of Earth's atmosphere.

Which area on the illustration represents the largest reservoir of nitrogen on earth?

The largest reservoir of nitrogen on Earth is in the atmosphere, which makes up about 78% of Earth's atmosphere.

What is a geological reservoir?

A geological reservoir is a subsurface rock formation that holds significant amounts of natural resources such as oil, natural gas, or water. These reservoirs have the capability to store and release these resources over time, making them crucial for energy production and water supply. The characteristics of the reservoir, such as porosity and permeability, determine how easily these resources can be extracted.

What is the major reservoir of nitrogen?

The major reservoir of nitrogen in the Earth's atmosphere is nitrogen gas (N2), which makes up about 78% of the atmosphere. Additionally, nitrogen can be found in soil and sediment as part of organic matter, proteins, and other compounds.

Who are the main actors in Reservoir Dogs?

"The main actors in Reservoir Dogs are listed below: