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Often small dogs.

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Q: What is the main household pet that coyotes eat?
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Do coyotes eat dead things?

Coyotes kill prey to eat and they also scavenge for dead animals. Coyotes are also known to eat from garbage cans and eat pet food.

Do coyotes eat sand hill cranes?

The coyotes diet is varied. They are scavengers. They will eat dead animals, berries, fruit, pet food, mice, rodents, and small mammals and birds. Coyotes will raid your trash can.

Do coyotes eat pheasants?

The coyotes diet is varied. They are scavengers. They will eat dead animals, berries, fruit, pet food, mice, rodents, small mammals, cats, dogs , and birds. Coyotes will raid your trash can.

Do coyote eat turkey?

The coyotes diet is varied. They are scavengers. They will eat dead animals, berries, fruit, pet food, mice, rodents, small mammals, cats, dogs, and birds. Coyotes will raid your trash can.

Will coyotes eat your pet if you feed them with other food?

They will only is they are mad. Usually they will not come in your yard if you or another animal or person is in your yard. Though it is not reccommended you not feed coyotes then you WILL have a more likely chance of them coming in your yard.

Do coyote eat ground squirrels?

Coyotes are quite opportunistic and will eat just about anything including groundhogs. Other animals they can eat include squirrels, rabbits, frogs, gophers, and snakes.

Do coyotes eat fruit?

Coyotes seem to be very well adapted to whatever area they are living in. They've been known to eat anything from live prey to the fruits and veggies growing around their habitats. Some farmers have complained about them destroying their crops at times.

Do coyotes eat red-tailed hawks?

Of course not .The coyote wold most likely run away or eat the hawk it's self.

Is a chicken a household domesticated pet?


What is the most uncommon household pet?

A tortoise

Which small household-pet is the best?

a dog is the best kind of pet because they are loveable, and fun to have as a pet

How do you get your pets back on sims 3 when you got them taken away?

Switch to another household and adopt your other households pet from the pet shelter. After, type in testingcheatsenabled true and visit the household who has your pet. click the pet and add them back to your family.