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The main reason that people commit suicide is because they are depressed. If a person is concerned with depression, they should talk with a friend or family member.

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Q: What is the main reason for people committing suicide or killing themselves?
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What is the main reason behind many people committing suicide or killing themselves?

The main reason is loss of hope for a good life. Hopelessness is a destroyer of the body and mind.

Why shouldn't a Person Think of Committing Suicide?

A person shouldn't think of committing suicide because there is always help and support available. It's important to reach out to friends, family, or mental health professionals who can provide assistance and guidance. Remember that there are people who care about your well-being, and there are effective treatments and coping mechanisms to address the pain and despair you may be experiencing.

How many People Committed Suicide by Someone Driving over Themselves in 2012?

It would be pretty hard for someone to actually drive over themselves to commit suicide.

Why people think committing suicide cures all their problems?

Some people just lose all hope in everything. They feel like nothing is right and nothing will ever be okay, they feel that life is pointless and that they will always suffer. A lot of times, people who commit suicide have depression which could be treated. People commit suicide for all different reasons

Why is suicide illegal?

Suicide is illegal because it is killing - even though you are taking your own life, it is killing none the less. Yes, but the other question which lies with this is if you kill yourself what is the point of making it illegal? For examlpe, they are not going to arrest your dead body. I totally agree. I mean what can state or government officials do to you when you are already dead? If You intend suicide but it fails and you are still alive then u could go to jail in most countries Suicide is not illegal in the United States. And killing is not illegal. Killing people is, and hunting without a license is, but neither of those statements makes killing, in general, illegal. As of the early 1990's, punitive laws making suicide or attempted suicide in North America have all been expunged or removed. Suicide is not illegal.

Related questions

What is the main reason behind many people committing suicide or killing themselves?

The main reason is loss of hope for a good life. Hopelessness is a destroyer of the body and mind.

Do people with autism think of killing themselves?

Not necessaily. The suicide rates in Japan are extremely high at the moment, which has nothing to do with autism at all.

What movie features a suicide scene?

The brand new movie "Mirrors." Many people kill themselves because when they look in a mirror they see images of them killing themselves.

How many people actually kill themselves in suicides?

Surveys given to those who practice suicide came back inconclusive, however, studies show almost 100% of all people who commit suicide end up killing themselves before questioning.

How often does someone commit suicide from being schizophrenic?

Ten to fifteen percent of people with schizophrenia end up committing suicide.

Are emo people killing people?

I really don't think that's true but the answer really is no.NOT at all no that's an outrage. I would agree, Emos don't kill other people, i don't remember ever killing anyone. Others might say "well if they are not killing others then they are killing themselves" and i would disagree with that, because they are not trying to kill themselves, they only cut themselves because of their emotional pain and people are totally not helping when they start bullying them which might cause then to commit suicide.

How extensive was the violence in Julius Caesar?

In the play there is an onstage murder where a man is stabbed repeatedly and bleeds freely. At a later stage in the play his bloody garment is used as a prop for a famous speech. Later in the play there is a large battle, but we see more of people committing suicide by stabbing themselves or having their friends stab them, than we do of people being killed. There are a number of references to offstage violence, not only in the battle scenes, but also in the killing of a poet with the wrong name, a woman committing suicide by swallowing hot coals, and the systematic slaughter of political enemies.

Do people commit suicide because of music?

It is unlikely that music is the cause of people committing suicide. If people are feeling suicidal then listening to a depressing form of music can push someone over the edge

Why do you not freak out when you envision suicide?

Most people do not freak out by envisioning suicide. This does not mean that a person is going to end up killing themselves. Suicide is a very real danger to someone contemplating it on a serious level, or for someone who has a plan as to how they will carry it out. If you have such feelings, or know someone who does, there are people you can talk to about it. The nationwide suicide hotline number is, 1-800-273-8255

What is New Jersey's suicide rate?

jersey has one of the highest suicide rates in the world. In 2008 about 14.9 people in every 100,000 committed suicide In jersey the main causes that seem to be for people committing suicide is alcohol abuse and mental illness

Why shouldn't a Person Think of Committing Suicide?

A person shouldn't think of committing suicide because there is always help and support available. It's important to reach out to friends, family, or mental health professionals who can provide assistance and guidance. Remember that there are people who care about your well-being, and there are effective treatments and coping mechanisms to address the pain and despair you may be experiencing.

How did the Romans commit suicide?

Romans had several methods of committing suicide, depending on their status and circumstances. These could include using a sword to stab themselves in the heart (known as "falling on their swords"), consuming poison, or opening their veins to bleed out. Self-immolation was also a method used in extreme cases.