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Q: What is the main regulation regarding hours of work?
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How many hours can a 14 year old work on school days?

Legislation regarding permitted work hours for minors is governed by state law. So, it depends on the state.

If you are given a chance to be a regular employee what can you do regarding attendance and company rules and regulation?

If you are offered employment, you can and should comply with all company rules and regulations, arrive and leave on time and come to work every work day that you are not sick.

What reforms did progressives work for regarding labor?

child labor laws, Workman's compensation, and limitation on working hours for women

Can a 15 year old work as an assistant in an office for a part time job?

It depends on the state and the number of hours. But almost all states have some type of law regarding the number of hours someone under 16 can work.

What are the key issues regarding employee attendance rates in China?

The key issues regarding to employee attendance rates in China are that the workers receive lower hourly wages, must receive overtime work without pay, and did not keep the hours of work recorded.

How many hours can you work in a day legally?

In the United States, the standard work week is 40 hours, typically broken up into 8-hour work days. However, some jobs and industries may have different requirements or agreements regarding work hours. It's important to check with your employer or refer to your employment contract or local labor laws for specific details on maximum daily work hours.

How do you find Boyer Coe's 'Hard Work' quote?

I emailed Mr. Coe about a few things and asked about his quote regarding hard work and he responded in a couple of hours with this: "Regarding training hard, I always use to tell people to "Train like they mean it." Hope this is what you were looking for."

Is the Health and Safety at Work Act an EU Directive or regulation?

The Health and Safety at Work Act is neither an EU Directive nor an EU Regulation. It is UK legislation.

What is the regulation determining a No salute work area in the motor pool?

No regulation that I am aware of. It is normally put out by the Commander in a policy memo.

How many hours per week can a 16 year old work in pennsylvania?

A 17 year old that's still enrolled in regular day school can work no more then 28 hours a week and there are no federal laws regarding how many hours a day someone 16 years or older can work but your state may have there own regulations, you can find out how many hours a day you can work by calling 1-866-487-2365

Cell regulation doesn't seem to work in patients with?


can a company force you to work past your scheduled time?

Yes. There is no federal regulation regarding forced overtime. Employees over the age of 16 who refuse to work forced overtime are subject to discipline up to and including being fired. Bills are being considered regarding overtime in the medical field. Employees with disabilities may get special consideration if mandatory overtime is difficult because of their disability, but in general, if your boss says you have to work overtime you don't have much choice.