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The main religion WHERE?

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Q: What is the main religion and how does it affect live?
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What is the main religion and how does it affect live in India?

that would be Hinduism then islam

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Agra is situated in the secular country of India.And as such there is no main religion here.People of all religions live here.

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I'm not sure if you want a list, but ethnocentrism doesn't affect religion, it's the people, media, books, etc. that do. Most people do accord with a religion based on where they live, though.

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Jordan follows the religion of Islam. That is how it is for about 90% of the people that live there. Such as Christianity.

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Ancestors of the Roman Empire live in Italy. Their Religion is Roman-Catholic. Vatican City, the main city of the Catholic Religion, is in Italy.

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The main religion is Christianity (Roman Catholic and Protestant). The main effect on food is that many Roman Catholics do not eat meat on Fridays and some other days).

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Gender doesn't affect religion at all. If gender did affect religion it would be totally Bias. Well, there is your answer on "does gender affect religion."

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