

What is the main source of energy in a fish tank?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is the main source of energy in a fish tank?
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What supplies the energy for the plants in a fish tank?

The energy for the plants in a fish tank is supplied by Light.

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How do you prepare for tropical fish pregnancy?

You can do one of three things. 1. Leave the pregnant fish alone in the main tank and just let the pregnancy happen. They baby fish will probably find hiding places themselves. 2. Get a breeding tank. Leave the pregnant fish in the main tank and then when you see a fry, net it, and put it in the breeding tank. 3. Get a breeding tank and put the pregnant fish in it and just leave it. Whenever the pregnancy is over, put the pregnant fish in the main tank but leave the fry in breeding tank.

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Chemical energy. The petrol / diesel that you fill up the tank with.

Will a glofish eat ANYTHING?

Glofish are typically omnivores, meaning they will eat a variety of foods including fish flakes, pellets, freeze-dried, and live foods like bloodworms or brine shrimp. However, they do have preferences and may not eat just anything offered to them. It's best to provide a well-balanced diet to ensure their health and well-being.

What to d'o with a suffering fish?

If they are in a tank, make sure they are fed and the water is clean. To clean the tank, remove the fish and put them straight into another source of water. Remember if your fish is salt or fresh water. If the fish is in the sea, river or pond, its best to leave it. If the fish is on land near a water source, replace it in there. If it is nowhere near a water source, I have no idea how it got there. You would have to leave the fish then. Sorry if this answer is vague, because your question was as well.

What does it mean when your fish has a bloody fin?

When your fish has a bloody fin, it means that it is either getting scraped by an unknown source in the tank, or, if there are other fish, that another fish is hurting the injured fish.

When can you release newborn platies with the adult fish in the main tank?

I recommend releasing them in to the main aquarium when they can no longer fit into another fish's mouth.

Are vaccinations recommended for fantail goldfish?

No, fish are not vaccinated. If you do buy a new fish, you should put them in a separate tank first before adding them to your main tank and treat them for possible parasites first; you can use a product such as Prazi for treatment. This should be done any time you have a new fish that you want to add to your established tank as it's easier to treat a 10 or 20 gallon tank with 1 fish in it than it is to treat a much larger tank with several fish (as one new fish can make your entire tank sick)

Does the rapid growth of algae use up oxygen that fish need to survive?

algae creates oxygen in the water ,tank. i found a 35 gal. tank you could not see into because the algae was so thick. the tank had not been touched for almost 6 months, yet there was a fish alive in the tank , not only did the algae create oxygen in the tank, but also created a food source for the fish to survive

What is the main process energy is transferred through the copper wall of the water tank?

The main process through which energy is transferred through the copper wall of the water tank is conduction. In this process, heat is transferred from the hot water inside the tank to the cooler exterior surface of the copper wall through direct contact. The copper material, being a good conductor of heat, allows for efficient transfer of energy.

Is a big fish tank measured in millimeters or liters?

Fish tanks are measured primarily by their capacity. In the U.S. they use gallons as the main unit. A fish tank can be anywhere from 1 gallon in capacity to 200+ gallons.