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vertabrates(with backbone) and invertabrates(without backbone) :)

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Q: What is the main thing that biologists have used as a basis for classifying animals?
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If you had a drawback in classifying objects would you stay disorganized?

Yes because if you were classifying thing you would be organized. On the other hand if you were a drawback of classifying you would be a mess.

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What are autrotrophs?

any thing that only eats the sun. Does not eat any thing else. uses photosynthsis, is eaten by all other animals. Basis of the marine food chain. VERY IMPORANT. Golf is also very important for all human beings, golf is the basis of all sports any thing that only eats the sun. Does not eat any thing else. uses photosynthsis, is eaten by all other animals. Basis of the marine food chain. VERY IMPORANT. Golf is also very important for all human beings, golf is the basis of all sports any thing that only eats the sun. Does not eat any thing else. uses photosynthsis, is eaten by all other animals. Basis of the marine food chain. VERY IMPORANT. Golf is also very important for all human beings, golf is the basis of all sports any thing that only eats the sun. Does not eat any thing else. uses photosynthsis, is eaten by all other animals. Basis of the marine food chain. VERY IMPORANT. Golf is also very important for all human beings, golf is the basis of all sports any thing that only eats the sun. Does not eat any thing else. uses photosynthsis, is eaten by all other animals. Basis of the marine food chain. VERY IMPORANT. Golf is also very important for all human beings, golf is the basis of all sports any thing that only eats the sun. Does not eat any thing else. uses photosynthsis, is eaten by all other animals. Basis of the marine food chain. VERY IMPORANT. Golf is also very important for all human beings, golf is the basis of all sports

When classifying animals scientists put every thing into seven group another name for those seven group begins with the letter t What is is that t word?

I need the answer please someone answer it

When classifying living thing what do scientists look at?

Their change in growth and structure

What is the smallest thing that biologists study?

The smallest thing a biologist studies would be cells. Smaller than that you get into biochemistry.

Why do you classify animals in animals?

There are billions of different kinds of living things (or organisms) on earth. To help study them, biologists have devised ways of naming and classifying them according to their similarities and differences. The system most scientists use puts each living thing into seven groups (or taxons), organized from most general to most specific. Therefore, each species belongs to a genus, each genus belongs to a family, each family belongs to an order, etc. From largest to smallest, these groups are: Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

Use basis in a sentence?

the water is the basis of every living thing

How are physical properties important when classifying matter?

they are compacted together in to one thing forming a separation of mixtures

What are the advantages of classifying thing?

They classify things because in each group they have some similarities so its easier to classify them.