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Paraffin heaters, also known as kerosene heaters, are used as a source of heat for a space. They are mainly used at times of power outages and other such emergencies.

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1w ago

Paraffin heaters are commonly used for heating small spaces such as rooms, greenhouses, or conservatories. They are portable and provide a convenient source of heat, especially in areas where traditional heating systems are not available or practical.

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What is paraffin examination?

Paraffin examination is a process in pathology where tissue samples are embedded in paraffin wax, sliced thinly, stained, and examined under a microscope. This method allows for detailed analysis of tissue structure and identification of abnormalities or diseases within the sample. Paraffin sections are commonly used for diagnosing conditions like cancer.

What fuel does paraffin lamp use?

The fuel used is paraffin

How do yo use paraffin in a sentence?

The candles were made of paraffin, not wax.Paraffin is different than beeswax.Some people with arthritis use warm paraffin to ease pain in their hands.

Is paraffin soluble in alcohol?

Yes, paraffin is soluble in alcohol. I have personally dissolved paraffin in alcohol. But I can tell you that it dissolves very slowly unless the alcohol is heated. If you use the right proportions of paraffin and alcohol, what you get is a paraffin paste. You can use this to wax furniture, etc.

Can you use regular paraffin wax in a paraffin bath or do you have to purchase from manufacturer?

Either way should be fine

What is the use of white soft paraffin in pharmacy?

as i guess white paraffin is used in making white ointments

Do heaters produce heat or use heat?

Heaters use electricity to produce heat by resistance.

Can you use kitchen paraffin wax in a paraffin spa?

No, it is not recommended to use kitchen paraffin wax in a paraffin spa. Paraffin spa wax is designed specifically for use in spa treatments and is formulated to melt at a lower temperature for safe and effective use on the skin. Using kitchen paraffin wax may not provide the same therapeutic benefits and could potentially cause skin irritation.

Why we use paraffin for determination of melting point?

Paraffin is a commonly used material for determining the melting point of organic compounds because it has a well-defined melting point of 54-57°C and does not react with most organic compounds. This makes it a suitable medium for accurately measuring the melting points of various substances without interference.

What Used In Waxy Waterproof Coverings?

Paraffin wax and a solvent are the main ingredients.

How do you use the word heaters in a sentence?

It was so cold that he had all the heaters on in the house.

Is paraffin safe to use?

That would depend entilrey on WHAT you were hoping to use it for.