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Q: What is the major difference between micro- and macro-level orientation in society?
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What is the difference between macro-level and micro-level theoretical orientation?

Macro-level theoretical orientation focuses on analyzing society as a whole, studying institutions, structures, and systems. Micro-level theoretical orientation, on the other hand, examines individual behavior, interactions, and relationships within a specific context. Macro-level focuses on broader societal patterns and trends, while micro-level delves into individual experiences and dynamics.

Ratna is preparing a presentation called Levels of Orientation in Sociology. Which terms should she include?

one orientation is looking at interactions of people in specific situations, and the other orientation 1is looking at structures of society. (B. Correct Answer)

Is homosexuality socially constructed?

No, homosexuality is not socially constructed. Sexual orientation is a natural and intrinsic part of an individual's identity and is not something that can be influenced or changed by society. Societal attitudes and norms may affect how individuals express their sexual orientation, but the orientation itself is not socially constructed.

What is the difference between social values and social norms and give an example of each?

Social values are widely accepted beliefs about what is important in a society, while social norms are specific rules and expectations of behavior within a group. For example, a social value could be equality, while a social norm could be standing in line at the grocery store.

What is the difference between a democratic society and a communist society?

A communist is where the government controls everything. They decide how much people get paid and there are no privately owned businesses. A democratic society is like the one we have in North America. Everybody gets a say in everything happens in their country and the government is not in charge of everything.

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What is the difference between macro-level and micro-level theoretical orientation?

Macro-level theoretical orientation focuses on analyzing society as a whole, studying institutions, structures, and systems. Micro-level theoretical orientation, on the other hand, examines individual behavior, interactions, and relationships within a specific context. Macro-level focuses on broader societal patterns and trends, while micro-level delves into individual experiences and dynamics.

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What is the difference between Victorian society and modern day?

Victorian society was characterized by strict social norms, gender roles, and hierarchies, while modern society is generally more egalitarian, inclusive, and open-minded. Victorian society placed a high value on modesty, formality, and propriety, whereas modern society tends to be more relaxed, individualistic, and diverse in terms of values and behaviors.

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