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If you mean central North America then it would be English, but if you mean central South America, and Brazil is the most central to the country then I would suggest language of Brazil or even Spanish.

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The major language of Central America is Spanish. It is the official language in most Central American countries, with the exception of Belize where English is the official language.

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What are the major religions and languages of Central America?

I dont know the religion, but i know the language and its spanish.ANSWER 2:The major religion of Central America is Christianity (predominantly Catholic).

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The official language in most of Central America is Spanish.

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Spanish is the most commonly spoken language in Central America, due to the region's history of Spanish colonization. It is the official language in all countries in Central America, with the exception of Belize where English is the official language.

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Which country in central America has English as its official language?

Belize is the only country in Central America that has English as its official language, alongside Spanish and Belizean Creole.

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Belize is the only country in Central America in which English is an official language. Other countries may have individuals who speak English in addition to their respective official language.

Is central ameria a continent?

Central America is a Subcontinent The Definition of Subcontinent is as follows: A large land mass smaller than a continent; a major division of a continent. As Central America is a major division from North America and South America, it is considered a Subcontinent Central America is a large land mass smaller than a continent and a major division between two Continents: North America and South America.

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Central America's major exports include agricultural products, such as coffee, bananas, and sugar; minerals such as gold and silver; textiles; and services such as tourism. Manufacturing equipment is not a major export of Central America.

What Central American country has English as their official language?

Central America is composed of 7 different countries, each with its own official or national language. Most of the countries of central America are Spanish-speaking countries.