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Q: What is the male sex cell that results from meiosis?
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What are the male and the female sex cells?

meiosis results in the production of our specialized sex cell what for male and what for female

Produces male and female sex cell via meiosis?

Reproductive system.

What sex cell is meiosis?

A sex cell is not meiosis. Meiotic cell division forms sex cells.

What single male sex cell undergoing meiosis will produce?

4 sperm cells

Process of cell division which results in the production of sex cells?

It is a nucleic acid and is made from building blocks called nucleotides. The process then repeats in what is called the cell cycle. Cell division (NIH image) Mitosis is how somatic--or non-reproductive cells--divide. Somatic cells.

What are the results of a cell undergoing meiosis?

4 daughter sex cells with HALF the normal chromosomes as the parent cell.

What is a good sentence using the words meiosis and sex cells in the same sentence?

Meiosis is a type of cell division that results in four genetically unique sex cells.

What is a gamets?

A gamete, also called a sex cell, is a haploid cell that participates in fertilization by fusing with another haploid cell.

What cell types does meiosis form?

Meiosis is purely for the production of sex cells. When one cell undergoes meiosis, it turns into ethier 4 sperms cells for a male or 3 extra cells and 1 egg cell for a female.

What is Meiosis definition?

Meiosis is the type of cell division that results in gametes (sex cells) that possess half the chromosome number of the parent cell. In other words, meiosis reduces the chromosome number by one-half.

Cell division that produces four haploid sex cells?

You're thinking about Meiosis, which is the cell division that results in the gametes necessary for sexual reproduction.

What is the process of making gametes called?

Male gametes* --->Meiosis. (basic pre-biology in most all biology books)