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Q: What is the mandatory retirement age for postal carriers?
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What is the retirement age for a lawyer?

There is no mandatory retirement age for a lawyer.

Which careers have a mandatory retirement age?

Some professions with mandatory retirement ages include airline pilots, military personnel, and some federal and state judges. These retirement ages are in place to ensure safety, prevent burnout, and maintain efficiency in these high-stress or physically demanding occupations.

What is the mandatory retirement age in Kuwait?

@ age 45 years old

What age do you have to retire?

Some professions such a police, have a mandatory age retirement but most occupations do not.

When did the concept of a mandatory retirement age begin?

at the time of the industrial revolution

At what age must one retire from working?

There is no mandatory retirement age. Even if you work for an employer who has their own mandatory retirement age, you can have a new job lined up for the day following your retirement from that company. A mandatory retirement age is practically obsolete due to discrimination laws. Actor Eli Wallach, who will turn 95 in December, is in the just released movie 'Wall Street 2', and says that he is looking forward to his next role.

Marine corps mandatory retirement age?

you have to serve 20 years in the corps to retire

What is mandatory retirement age for veterans affairs employee?

There is no mandatory retirement age for federal employees, except for certain occupations.They include pilots, law enforcement, air traffic controllers, military officers, and judges. The ages for these occupations depend on the state they work in.

Do doctors have to retire after a certain age?

There is no mandatory retirement age for doctors, but once they cannot pass their licensing exam they cannot practice.

True or false The Twenty-second Amendment set 80 as the mandatory retirement age for US presidents?

False, there is no mandatory retirement age for the president. The purpose of the 1951 amendment was to prevent the president from serving more than two terms, as Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected to 4 terms.

How long do federal justices serve?

For Canadian Federal Justices, the mandatory retirement age is 75.Added: (in the US) For life.

What is the mandatory retirement age in the Air Force?

For officer retirements check out: