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Q: What is the map of the distribution energy source in South Africa?
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What technology does South Africa export?

Nuclear testing machinery, Agricultural machinery, energy saving light bulbs, domestic and commercial house-warming heaters and transformers for distribution into Africa.

Who is the Minister of Energy for South Africa?

Tina Joemat-Pettersson is the Minister of Energy for South Africa.

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because it will never be equal

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I know South Africa is a rich source if diamonds

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South america and Africa were once joined.

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In South Africa, the distribution of wealth and income is largely uneven. There are a few wealthy people, while there are a lot of people who are very poor, and lack even the bare necessities.

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In South Africa uranium is not a main power resource but is a very important resource for the future.

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What effect has the distribution of uranium had on the economic development of South Africa and Namibia?

It has caused foreign companies to invest in them.

What evidence does the geographic distribution of the swimming reptile Mesosaurus provide?

South America and Africa were once joined.